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Managing Client Disputes | Client Management Strategies for Freelance Creatives, Designers & Artists (An Original CreativesEd® + What Would Sheila Say?® Podcast)

Nov 2, 2023


Embracing Lifelong Friendships: The Unseen Power of Protecting, Nurturing, and Letting Go!

In this episode, we delve deep into the world of friendships, exploring what it means to maintain and celebrate these bonds that shape our lives. We’ll unravel the unseen power of protecting and nurturing friendships while learning when it's time to let go. I’ll bring you insights to help you build lasting connections that nurture your well-being and personal growth.

Here are just a few key quotes and takeaways from this episode - listen for more!

Compelling Quotes from the Episode:

1. "True friendship, REAL friendship, knows no boundaries - of time, of space, of energy, of distance."

2. "Showing unwavering support and loyalty to your friends, especially during challenging times, is one way to nurture and support your friendships, but that alone doesn’t make a real, true friendship."

3. "In my experience, I've found that the key to lasting friendships is a delicate blend of honesty, loyalty, and quality time. And that takes intention."

Key Takeaways:

- Childhood Memories as Building Blocks: Discover how the memories of your childhood friendships can influence and protect your well-being even as an adult.

- Choosing Quality Over Quantity: Learn to identify the true essence of friendship and why it's more about quality than quantity.

- The Delicate Blend: Understand that lasting friendships require a delicate blend of honesty, loyalty, and quality time. It takes intention and authenticity to nurture these bonds.

- Setting Healthy Boundaries: Find out how setting healthy boundaries and challenging your friends can be an act of love and care.

- Embracing the Unconditional: Realize the true nature of unconditional friendship that transcends time, space, and distance.

Listen in for some serious behind the scenes shares. Can’t wait to hear what resonated!


Resources from the Show 

Get my weekly(ish) newsletter with inspiring, motivational, and practical strategies for navigating life’s challenges - I call it Baby Steps to Thrive! 🐤

✔ Apply to join The Professional Collective, a professional, supportive, collaborative, and peer-mentorship environment, where Current You takes care of Future You.

✔ Learn more about working with me at 


My mission is to help regulated professionals (licensed and certified, like lawyers, social workers, educators, accountants, yogis, and everyone in between) to figure out exactly what they want, realize it’s 100% within reach, and create a simple, actionable plan that will get them there. I’d love to support you, too! Here are some ways you can start creating your Joyful and Thriving™ life today!



👉🏽 If you struggle to find the right words to tell a client no, or you need time to get back to them, or even if you're going on vacation and want to be left alone, then these simple strategies for better boundaries are going to be  your new best friend! Learn more about how these swipe copy and paste email script templates can start improving your life TODAY!

👉🏽 Start setting clear expectations with clients with this Contracts Guide!

👉🏽 Build a healthier lifestyle and add more joy in your life in this Masterclass!

👉🏽 Sign up for VIP news and opportunities not available to the public



👉🏽 Start fixing your top 3 most frustrating situations TODAY in this Managing Expectations Mini-Course! ($19) 

👉🏽 Start getting Boundaries *and* Balance in this Workshop ($29) - especially as you head into the new year!



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